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Supercharge Your Body's Natural Healing Power

Miracle II

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Truly Blessed by God.

With Miracle II you have the power to take action today to better your health and your personal environment. It's time to stop poisoning yourself and your family with chemically enhanced toxic personal care and household products. Miracle II products are derived from the dust of the earth, an all natural non-toxic, hypo-allergenic and bio-degradable collection of natural products that utilize antitoxins to fight against the pollutants that you are exposed to on a daily basis. When you use these all natural miracle soap products and Neutralizer, your skin will breathe, built up yeast, acids and toxins within your body are naturally removed or stabilized which will allow your immune system to work the way God created and intended it to function, at a cellular level. 

Your body is a truly magnificent machine. If you cleanse it right, exercise, provide correct nourishment and give it half a chance, it will demonstrate miraculous abilities to heal itself.

On the home front the miracle soap is a cleaner, degreaser and deodorizer which can replace all dangerous chemically enhance cleaning and deodorizing products that anyone would ever need for household and personal care products in the home and for industrial and institutional use. You will save you up to 75% out of pocket cost and solve all your cleaning problems plus many other health related issues. God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise (miracle soap products). So much so that even savvy farmers and horticulturists have used only 2 oz. per acre of the neutralizer added to their irrigation water and they increased their crops yields by over 100%, without using any chemical based or organic certified fertilizer.

Over the past 2 decades, Clayton Tedeton's divine inspiration has made it possible for a perfect soap formula, a miracle, natural insecticide and antibacterial product to be put on the global market. This is the only soap product that is made in the world that can wash a newborn baby or clean up a oil spill and everything in between.

Thousands of people say that one 22oz bottle of miracle soap will make one of these or a combination of all:

  • 384 gallon glass cleaner

  • 2 gallon dish washing soap

  • 50 gal. car or truck wash soap

  • 22-55 loads of clothes wash

  • 50 gal. carpet cleaner

  • 2 gallon oven cleaner or carport cleaner

  • 50 quart bottles spot cleaner soap

  • 50 gallon fire ant or wasp spray

  • 50 spray

  • 50 shampoos for your dog or cat

  • and much more!

If you have concerns about your wellness and your environment, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to try these products. *Thousands, have reported relief and cures from dozens of diseases and ailments common to modern man. They provided their personal testimonials on how Miracle II has had profound and dynamic effects on themselves and the people they care for the most. A God inspired product that just may be that answer to your prayers.

Take positive, powerful control of your health like never before.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy souls prospereth. III John 1:2

*Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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