Harmony Super II Colon Cleansing

Harmony Formula Super II bowel cleanse formula for individuals who need a super strength cleanser. Not all metabolisms are created equally. Some digestive and elimination systems are simply more sluggish and less efficient. To give this type of system an extra boost, Super II was developed, an extra-strength bowel cleansing formula composed of 12 powerful cleansing and nutritive herbs. Super II is designed for individuals who experience approximately 1 bowel movement or less per week. The formula is comprised of various bowel cleansing herbs that gently stimulate the bowel, including Aloe Vera, Cascara Sagrada, Barberry, Butternut, Rhubarb and more (see below for the complete ingredient list). It can be used in conjunction with the Multi-Herb Formula and the Multi-Fiber Formula for whole body internal cleansing benefits, while providing extra support for the sluggish colon, but it can also be used as a “stand alone” bowel cleansing formula. Super II promotes two to three bowel movements a day, yet is non-addictive and gentle on the elimination system (it is NOT a laxative). It enhances and supports your body’s natural ability to function on its own.

bowel cleanse harmony fomula bottle

Bowel Cleanse Formula That  “JUMPSTARTS” The Less Efficient Colon. 

Address the Deepest “Core” of Health!
Our digestive system and colon keeps us young, strong and energetic. It is where vital nutrients are extracted and absorbed from food, lending life and good health to our entire body. Unfortunately, this system is also the most abused. We’ve been raised on a diet of bread, dairy, cheese, meat, fast foods, fried foods, fatty foods, sweets, candy, ice cream, etc. Over time, these foods can break down the digestive and elimination system, making it function much less efficiently. Bowel movements may slow to only one time per day or less. Extremely stubborn colons may need an extra-strength bowel formula to get things moving again! Digestive inefficiency can continue even after dietary improvements if you don’t help rejuvenate your colon through internal cleansing.

Individuals with sluggish colons undertaking a cleansing program often only need a single bottle of Super II when used in conjunction with Multi-Herb Formula and Multi-Fiber Formula. Once the bowel begins moving regularly, Super II intake is reduced, until eventually it is not needed anymore.

The End Benefit: You’ll feel lighter, better, more energetic and healthier! You should notice improved elimination and all around better bowel function. Cleansing and supporting your colon is like giving yourself an “internal tune-up”! Every body part seems to work better!*


Aloe Vera Leaf – A soothing plant with mild, natural laxative properties. Its healing properties are well documented, both internally and externally. It is soothing to the digestive and elimination tract.

Anise Seed – Traditionally used for indigestion, flatulence and colic. It is also used as an expectorant.

Cascara Sagrada Bark – Stimulates peristalsis and proper bowel function. Increases secretion of the liver and gall bladder.

Fennel Seed – A carminative and stomachic, eases stomach and dispels gas.

Ginger Root – A carminative, stimulates digestion absorption and assimilation of all nutrients.

Licorice Root – Supports the liver and digestive system. Licorice works synergistically with the other herbs facilitating their absorption by the body.

Slippery Elm Bark – A demulcent, soothes the digestive tract. The fiber in this herb helps to absorb toxins.

Capsicum Fruit – Acts as a catalyst supporting the digestion and assimilation of the other herbs in this formula.

Barberry Bark – Traditionally used as a bitter tonic and cleanser. Barberry bark is a natural source of berberine, a substance that inhibits certain microbes.

Butternut Bark – Stimulates peristalsis and proper bowel function. Increases the manufacture and secretion of bile and increases the activity of the glands in the walls of the intestinal tract.

Red Raspberry Leaf – A blood tonic, soothes the stomach, and works synergistically with the other herbs in the formula.

Turkey Rhubarb Root – An herb with mild, natural laxative properties. It supports the liver, spleen and gallbladder, helping to counteract problems such as jaundice, gallstones and hemorrhoids.

Notice: This bowel cleansing product contains Cascara Sagrada. Read and follow directions carefully. Do not take this product before consulting a physician if you have frequent diarrhea or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

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