Powerful EMF Protection Devices

Powerful EMF technology; scientifically proven to protect, neutralize and reduce the effects of electromagnetic frequencies or EMR, electromagnetic radiation while strengthening your resilience to stress. The core premise driving the development of EMF products is the clinically substantiated fact that your body is in a constant state of electromagnetic chaos, vibration through your cells’ own oscillations. Exterior stressors and electromagnetic pollution such as EMFs, which have the ability to put your body in a state of disease or unease.

See why an increasing number of people rank electromagnetic field radiation as their #1 health concern. On March 18, 2005 a federal appeals court agreed based on scientific evidence that links cell phone usage to DNA damage, brain tumors, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and more… and ruled cell phone makers could be sued in state court over claims that wireless equipment emits unsafe levels of radio frequency radiation.”

Clarus EMF protection devices assists your body by placing it back into its natural state of harmony, allowing it to function optimally and most effectively. While negative, destructive EMF pollution is cumulative, powerful scientifically proven EMF protection technologies begin its positive effects immediately, providing a platform designed to assist you and the ones you love in alleviating the cumulative stress associated with living in today’s electronic environment.  Click on product description to view details….